GRAB 1 and Transit 2A

NRL Galactic Radiation Background (GRAB) Satellite 
and JHU-APL Transit II-A Navigation Satellite
carrying first "digital clock" June 22, 1960

The Fairfax County Park Authority, Analemma Society and Great Falls Library have teamed up to present a two-part lecture series, “From Sundials to Satellites to GPS,” on April 6 and May 4, 2017. Talks will be held in the library’s meeting room from 7 to approximately 8:30 p.m.

On April 6, Stephen Malys of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency will speak on the topic “Journey to the Center of the Earth-Status of the Terrestrial Reference Frame.” The program will review progress in the past 2,000 years in charting earth’s measurements, starting with the age when sundials and trigonometry were considered high tech.

On May 4, Paul Ceruzzi of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum lectures on “Not just GPS: Why Russians, the European Union, China, and India are building satellite navigation systems, and what that means for the U.S. Global Positioning System.” Ceruzzi will give a brief history of GPS and show how it has grown far beyond the expectations of its creators.

The lectures are free, and no registration is required. Participants are invited to attend one or both talks. This program ties into activities at the Park Authority’s Observatory Park at Turner Farm. The International Sundial Garden at Observatory Park is part of the Turner Farm Conceptual Development Plan and the first sundial, the Jamestown Commemorative Sundial, was installed in 2007. The Army Map Service/Defense Mapping Agency activity that was at the site from 1963 to 1993 was a Satellite Tracking Branch whose work was important to the development of GPS.

Great Falls Library is located at 9830 Georgetown Pike in Great Falls, VA. For more information about the lecture program, contact Daniela Dixon at 703-757-8560.  DOWNLOAD THE FLYER

Download this file (GPS-Sundials-Flyer3.pdf)GPS-Sundials-Flyer3.pdf[ ]125 kB

roll top dedication oct 2016 450pxroll top dedication Olins Edelmans 450pxAmid the rain and cloudy skies, on Saturday October 1st, 2016, a ribbon-cutting ceremony officially opened the Roll-Top Observatory at Observatory Park, Turner Farm in Great Falls, VA. Tim Hackman, Dranesville District representative of the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) Board, introduced all those who made the Roll-Top observatory possible through public-community-and-private funding. Initiated in 2007 in collaboration with the Analemma Society, the million-dollar facility was funded in part by the 2008 and 2012 Park Bonds, telecommunications funds, Mastenbrook grant money and a donation provided by Jean and Rick Edelman through the Fairfax County Park Foundation.

Ground breaking for Roll-Top began in 2014 and over the next two years the Roll-Top Observatory design by architects Shaffer Wilson Sarver & Gray of Herndon, VA, was carried out by the construction company Brown and Root of Arlington, VA.

Inside the Roll-Top Observatory a plaque was unveiled stating that the telescopes are made possible through the generosity Jean and Ric Edelman and members of the Analemma Society.

FCPA logo colorCome join the Analemma Society  and the Fairfax County Park Authority on Saturday Oct 1st, 2016 at 10am when the FCPA will dedicate the Roll-Top Observatory and Classroom.  The dedication will be at Observatory Park of Turner Farm Park at 925 Springvale Road in Great Falls Firginia.  For more information, contact the Public Information Office of FPCA at 703-324-8662.

Roll Top Construction 2016 09 10

roll top construction 2016 09 10From the September 2016 eNewsletter of the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) is the  following (photo from the Analemma Society)

'With the help of a very generous donation from Jean and Ric Edelman the Park Authority was able to build and furnish a roll top observatory building at Observatory Park at Turner Farm.  The financial services radio talk show host was reminded of his childhood fascination with astronomy when someone gave him a 10-inch telescope to commemorate his 40th birthday. Edelman and his wife and business partner, Jean, share a passion for astronomy and are deeply committed to sharing the knowledge with younger generations."
"The Edelmans substantial contribution to the Fairfax County Park Foundation to fund Observatory Park is greatly appreciated. They will join Analemma Society members and other supporters at the ribbon cutting ceremony at 10 AM on October 1, 2016.  The park is located at 925 Springvale Road in Great Falls, VA."

FCPA LogoFairfax County Park

12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927 Fairfax, VA 22035-5500
703-324-8700 • Fax: 703-324-3974 •

___________­­­­­­­­­______________Information Release__________________________

Judy Pedersen, PIO                                                                     June 10, 2016
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                                 IR-075      
Inquiries: 703-324-8662 

Community Meeting Scheduled

FCPA Shares Update on Facilities, Programs at Turner Farm Park

The public is invited to attend a community meeting on Thursday, June 23, 2016, to hear information on facilities and programs at Turner Farm Park in Great Falls, VA. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Great Falls Public Library, Community Room at 9830 Georgetown Pike Great Falls, VA.

The Turner Farm is located at the intersection of Georgetown Pike (Route 193) and Springvale Road (Route 674). A master plan for this community park, originally 52 acres in size and representing the merger of three park parcels; Turner Farm purchase, Defense Mapping Agency site and Lexington Estates Park was completed in 2000. An additional 3.63 acres was purchased from the Turner family in 2010 which includes the Turner Farmhouse and several outbuildings.

The master plan for The Turner Farm envisioned a community park that complements the agrarian history and eclectic interests of the Great Falls area. The park supports observatory, equestrian and typical community park uses that are fully compatible with the site. (See: 

At the public meeting, Fairfax County Park Authority representatives will present information on use of the equestrian area including potential entrance and parking improvements, planned completion of the new Roll Top Observatory facility and an update on the Resident Curator Program. The presentation will outline site management plans including equestrian activities, use of the Roll Top Observatory and the status of the Turner Farmhouse as part of the Resident Curator Program. A question and answer period is planned following the staff presentation.

For additional information, please contact the Public Information Office at 703-324-8662.